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Welcome to the StenBot Docs/Wiki!

StenBot is a public multifunctional Discord bot that has features like moderation, ticketing and more! This documentation provides information on each module/command, including the description, usage and examples. If you need any additional help, ask in the Discord Server!

On the side bar (to the left) you will see a lot of different pages. This includes a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), changelog, commands list and a list of all StenBot's features/modules.


The commands page will give you a full, alphabetical list of available commands. This will include a brief description of what the command does, and how you can use it. You can click on each command to find out further information about it.


The individual command information hasn't been set up yet but will be in the future. For now, you can do /help <COMMAND> for more information about a command.



Information and notes will be displayed in blue boxes like this.


Tips and tricks will be displayed in green boxes like this.


Warnings will be displayed in orange boxes like this


Well known bugs, deprecated/globally disabled modules will be displayed in red boxes like this.